Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Some special words

Some moments were,some moments are & some moments will.This is what our life,moments some remains as a golden moments of our life, some remain as most worst,but still we miss all those college moments,the golden moment of our life.College life is golden period because human learn all his basic need to have good social living, we learns to make friends,we learns to love & fight, we learns to make Girl friend & Boy friend,we learn to handel all the basic problem of life like short attendence,fine,project work,assignment,learn how to clear xam in 1 day gap & lots of the small worries in the college time,which train us for big problem in the life,therefore we can say those 4 years was most memorable,most learnable,most enjoyable & the 'golden period' of our life.
Before i proceed further i want to say something,"The life is journey,dont treat life as a race or kind of compition with others,enjoy the journey of life with your best efforts to every moment,'dont make it race to win,make it journey to enjoy',here one stop is giving you a farewell & the next stop is wellcoming you,So do your best make every farewell and welcoming memorable moment of life."
I have started going college with "rani" 8422 bus, the best bus during college,the 1st day xperence was very terrible,our bus was late and their were very few student in the bus just 10 students were their,one was my class mate Bhanuja, other 2 guy i remember were of EE.As our bus was last to enter college so there were only few seniours shooting to us from their building,when i enter our building i was not aware of that the block was only for junoir,So at the 2nd floor of that building we have our class,but there was already student sitting their, all the student with me belive that those student were our seniours and no one was dareing to enter the class,the was also full of students so we have to sit in cs2, So during my first few weak i was student of cs1,many of my friends whom i remember with me in cs2 are-Anshul mishra,ansh shrivastava,Ajay choudhry,Anurag,vinay mishra,abhilash,vishal,nishant,ashish bajpai,shubit chandra,mosam sagar,raj, in girls bhanuja,shefali, and be continue.............


ராஜா said...

Just today i got this blog. I found einstein photo in it. so you must be a good person who likes to think a lot...
I have a question. just tell me if you wish.

Is it possible to create zero gravity on earth? if so how? if not why?



Sry for late reply as i have notice your comment recently. Thanks for comment.
i am replying the qus U asked but slightly in different way....

Before answering it I ask U why U think to create 0 grvty on earth?

Gravity in simple definition can be state as FORCE OF ATTRACTION
And the Attraction which I belive has a very vital role in life,Its the Attraction of the GOD to our soul,becoz of which we wanna to attain him,It is the attraction which has bond us with our parents or with our love ones.
Plz take the positive mean of attraction,becoz I belive every 'word' have two side to understand either in a positive way or in -ive way, as in case of A glass is half filled or A glass is half empty.
So attraction here i mean a either a emotional attachment, we take example of family or towards GOD ,or materialistic attachment example like towards wealth or objects, or physically attachment as in case of physics,like electromagnetic attraction or gravity attraction of force,Chemical Attraction like attraction between bond and electrons.
Thus here I say that in every sphere of life,Attraction is playing a vital role.

So what I mean here is Its the force of attraction which is responsible for the sustain of life in this unique planet.
Its the gravity which is responsible for this UNIVERSE.
Its the gravity which is sole cause of Planets revolution around the sun.
Its the gravity which is responsible for the existence of sun.
And I say its the gravity which is responsible for the LOVE in this world.
and I think the 'LOve' which is sole responsible for creating peace in mind.
and the peace of mind is a way to attain god, which is the only aim of human life.
SO I say the Force Of Gravity is indirectly the source to attain GOD.

so my dear why are you thinking to removing this source. Which is one of the way in the Path of GOD.

And for your question, It is possible to create O gravity, as scientist has developed certain lab of 0 gravity.The science can also create it on whole earth.because I believe the human mind is the great gift given by god,through which he can create nature or destroy it.
But I pray to GOD such idea could not come in Human mind to become a destroyer.

I wish to have your reply.

amit shrivastava